our rip (rapid item placement) processors are
designed to automate building of plans. there
are now three rip processors, two of them added
as part of the 3.0 update.
the rip 1 processor takes list of upc codes, in
order from top left to bottom right, and builds
the plan, even adding shelves if you desire.
the rip 2 processor is similar to rip 1 but is
more complex and gives you more placement
options. you can decide the number of faces high
and wide, or let the program automatically
calculate them. you can use other fields than
upc code and place based on the number of
products, or the number of faces.
the rip 3 processor is different than the first
two in that products are placed based on the
amount of linear space allotted to each product.
options let you place products on their front,
side or top, have a choice of merchandising
types. if space is leftover, products can be
optionally capped horizontally and/or