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 planogram power that's easy to use


tour the enterprise edition

the enterprise edition tour will show you how the enterprise edition operates. it's divided into several sections, dealing with a different aspect of the program.

the shelf logic main screen

creating a planogram

adding products to your planogram


viewing your planogram

automatic formatting of product faces

output and reports

the database

comparison chart
see which product is best for your needs.
      comparison chart
trial versions
get a free trial version of any product with no time limit and the ability to print and save your plans.
         trial versions

live demo
arrange a live demo of our products where you can ask questions and see those areas of the program that interest you the most.
  arrange a live demo
product information
demonstrates the benefits of planogramming.

print tri-fold product brochure.
     download product

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shelf logic is a registered trademark of shelf logic software products.
smart shelf and rip processor are trademarks of shelf logic software products


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