build a plan from
available space
the rip 3 (rapid item
placement) processor places products according
to the space allotted for the product. so you
can give one product 6 inches of space, another
gets 12 inches and so on and rip 3 will fill the
allotted space with as many products as will
fit, even capping the products if this option is
the rip 3 screen is shown below. it has a list
of he item names of products to place. each item
is entered once and the amount of linear space,
in inches or cm, is assigned for that product.
you can place the products on any side, front
side or top, and determine the merchandising
style to be used. if there's any available space
leftover, the product can be optionally capped
horizontally and vertically.
options let you have fixed
spacing so the allotted space is
preserved if not used by
products or variable spacing so
if room is leftover, the next
product can start filling.
using the information in the
above screen and the empty plan
on the left, here's how the rip
3 processor will automatically
fill the plan, which is shown on
the right.
the first 2 products on the top
shelf are given 12 inches of
space each. the 3rd product is
given 16 inches of space, and
the 4th product given 6 inches.
this adds up to the 48 inches of
shelf space available. on the
next shelf, the 2 products
equally share the 48 inch shelf
space, each product is given 24
on the 3rd shelf down, the vive
cereal product is assigned a8
inches and allowed to have
horizontal capping. two vive
cereal product faces were placed
and there was enough room
leftover to have one horizontal
on the bottom shelf, the
products are short enough so
multiple faces can be placed
vertically. this is a good
example of how rip 3 fills the
available space with products. |