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 planogram power that's easy to use
rip 2 processor
build a plan from a list of products

the rip 2 (rapid item placement) processor takes the rip 1 processor to the next level, and gives you much greater control over product placement, and lets you build plans in seconds!

rip2 lets you use fields other than upc to specify a product, and, instead of repeating the facings desired, you can enter the number of faces, or product, to place.

the rip 2 screen is shown below with a plan ready to build.. it has a list of the item names of products to place. you can use any field to identify the product. each item name is entered once and the number of products, or faces, desired is then specified.

you can also specify the number of faces high and wide you want or you can let rip 2 do it automatically for you.


the auto fill feature lets you choose the order used to placed products on the plan. other features let you place shelves as well.

when the above build is executed, the before and after is shown below.



use our rip processors to instantly build your plan. there are 3 rip processors to fit each of your build requirements.

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price: $ 4995


enterprise pages

presentation manager
sales analysis
custom report writer
visual sales reports
category management
rapid item placement
background fixtures
automatic formatting
image editor
product views
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product selection
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smart shelf and rip processor are trademarks of shelf logic software products


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